Bucket List

*This is a living page, I'm adding up as they come up

1: Read all the books of the African Writers Series
2: Go on a road trip, alone. One month: me, my back pack and my Kindle.
(Progress report, June 2017. Done, kinda with 11 other adrenaline junkies)
3: Publish a book
4: Drive without killing anybody (Done)
5: Read the Bible from end to end
6: Visit Europe
7: Meet Asa
(Progress report, June 2017: We've been in the same room, breathed the same air. Progress)
8: Attend a Switchfoot concert. Audio Adrenaline too.
9: Travel to all seven continents.
10: Finish my French and Swahili classes
11: Learn to waltz
12: Cover a magazine
13: Become a guitar maestro
14: Learn to swim
(Progress report, June 2017: Getting there)
15: Bungee jump from the Victoria Falls Bridge
16: Climb Everest
17: Give my mom the most pleasant surprise
18: Sing in a choir
19: Start a 10 acre farm with live-in staff
20: Speak at a TED conference
21: Finally play my wedding playlist to the right audience.


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